Sometimes, I step back in wonder of the array of emotions - PURE emotions, emoted by the face of Kelly Brown.
They are like a hurricane, wrapped in a tornado, smothered by a monsoon, in a sandstorm filled with locusts.
THAT is what it's like to be in a room with KCB during one of our Monday meetings.
Feast your eyes on these examples, (WARNING: Ladies, be aware that looking into the eyes of Kelly Charles Brown could result in immediate ovulation. Gaze at your own risk...)
I call this one- "Smells Like Someone is Wearing Their Poopy Pants Today".
I don't know, but whatever it was that hit KCB olfactory senses - the man didn't like it. My guess? It was Roadkills birthday, so maybe ol "Grumpy Poops" dropped an air biscuit. But - that's pure speculation.
But onward we go -
I'm pretty sure Kellys thinking - "I will kill him with my LAZER EYES!!!".
If those Manson Lamps in Kelly's head could spit fire, or lazers- whoever he is looking at would have been extra crispy in seconds.
The man is stunning to look at. Dangerous, even. I get chills just looking at this pic.
Clearly this is Kelly's - "THAT - is the DUMBEST f****** think I've ever f******* heard" face.
And given the contents of our meetings, at any time- he's probably right.
I call this one - "Sleeping Angel".
So serene. So peaceful. And yet, it has an element of danger to it, yes? I mean, maybe it's the can of LIQUID DEATH - but still - it haunts me to the point of goosebumps.
No mortal can resist him.
And the last of our featured images - is this- destined to be a CLASSIC....
I call this one: "I've Got a Third Hand- GUESS WHERE IT IS???"
I named it because- Kelly is just that kind of exceptional being - that he may indeed have a third hand - that keeps busy under the table, if you get my drift... hahah -
Yet as strange as that may sound- it's still only adds to the pure extraordinary human-ess that is KCB III.
And as a special bonus for you all today- from me to you- just so you can get the full experience of the rollercoaster ride it is - sitting across from this man for an hour every week - enjoy
I know what you're saying......... you're saying...
"Im spent".
I get it. Join the club.
You're only human.
Yours, in Kelly Brown-ness.