Pretty busy weekend, all leading up to Sunday nights Celtics game! As I write this - the game is about to LETS GO CELTICS!!
This weekend was when we scheduled our TWO Lend a Helping Can Photo Workshops with folks who wanted to learn more about photography and how to use their cameras!
Both groups were awesome and we had a really good time! It's really cool to show someone how to do something with their camera that they had never done before!
The first night was a little cloudy.....but we didn't get rained on. Heres the first group - at 11pm.....
And group 2 on Saturday night, which was much clearer and a little less chilly.
Now- on this pic - there's something missing....
That "something" - is ME. See- Mr Professional -set his self timer on his new camera for 5 seconds......but apparently, since its the first time i"ve used that feature on the camera- I didn't set it correctly!!! DUH!!!
So.....the self timer went off before I could get into the pic!!! Hahah - IDIOT!!!
Although I didn't take many pics during those walks- here's one I took -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Ceres Street in Portsmouth. The Ceres Gallery (a wonderful little gallery with paintings and photos). It just felt like it should be a black and white shot...
And speaking of black and white photos - here's one I posted over the weekend -
It looks fake- but it isn't. It's a single shot image taken at Nubble Light in Cape Neddick ME. I saw all these gulls flying around looking for food, so I unwrapped a granola bar and held it in my left hand, next to the camera. I had a wide angle lens on and started firing away whenever a gull got close. I wasnt holding the granola bar out to them - but they saw it.
That's when I met this guy...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
He's about 2 feet from my face- and he hovered there. I kept firing away without even looking in the view finder - and that's what I got.
Lucky shot, but I'll take it...
Oh yeah, I want to back up to the photo walks. I want to thank these two guys- my friends Scott Thorp and Doug Harrington. Both are excellent photographers, and every year they donate two nights/days to help me teach 20 people in the Buzz Photo Walks. They volunteer their time and knowledge to help support Lend a Helping Can. Good dudes and really good friends. So thanks boys...
Had some yard work to do while Valerie worked on her small gardens
I don't know why - but I love mowing the lawn. I totally get Forest Gump just doing it for the hell of it. Totally. I would.
(I wouldn't, however, run across the United Firggin States. That was the stupidest segment of what otherwise was a great movie)
Hit one of the legendary ice cream shops in the seacoast area- Lago's Lone Oak. Totally homemade. Been going for years...
It's one of those places where you order a small, because their "small" - ain't small at all. Trust me.
And for the record: One scoop "black raspberry oreo" (you heard right, and it's excelent) and one scoop "muddy sneakers".
What's that you say? "Kretchy, what does Molly do on weekend afternoons?"
Oh, thanks for asking-
Tough life.
And Sunday night, we took Connie and Arnie out for dinner to one of their favorite spots...
Here's Connie- pounding ice teas while destroying her salad. She's a friggin madwoman...
And now it's the Celtics....
They're leading in the 1st, so it's time to go take my lucky spot on the couch...
Hope y'all had a good weekend-