Who doesn't love a 3 day weekend?
Ours started with a trip to Boston to see the Celtics Game 6 at the Garden.
The Celts didn't win, in what was a very frustrating game to watch - but we still had a great time.
And - anyone recognize the guy- a Boston sports legend- sitting a few rows from us?
Big Papi came over and hung out for while too!
The atmosphere was electric, for sure. I mean - how can it NOT be - when you get THIS for a "half time show"...
An old dude who does a hand stand on top of 10 chairs- WITHOUT A FRIGGIN SAFETY HARNESS OR NET!!!
I was like- "Cmon- an old guy (ahem....he was THREE years older than me, so I better shut my yap about the "old" part - building a 10 chair high stack of chairs? WTF?"
When he got to the last one- the dude did a friggin HAND STAND!!!
I was wrong about the guy- the place lost its s***- and they went wild. Gotta respect him. Heck, I can't do a handstand leaning against a WALL, let alone on top of 10 stacked chairs!
Oh yeah, Valerie and I had a great dinner in the North End (are there any bad dinners there?) - and went across the street to one of the local bakeries..... (Modern Bakery, not Mikes).
Business was BOOMIN......and one look around tells you why. From canoli's to cookies, the pies, bread, coffee- you name it.
Headed north to Eustis Maine early Saturday morning to spend the weekend with our friends Dave and Jolene. And actually ate something I had never had before- but are a bit of a Maine classic (from what Im told..)
Fiddleheads. Ever have em? They were delicous! Maybe Im the last person in New England to ever have em - but I thought they were great!
Got up early on Sunday morning and was greeted with one of the most stunning sunrises I've seen up there...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
This is Flagstaff Lake, in Stratton Maine, looking toward Eustis. And the color of this sunrise seemed to last forever! It was gorgeous.
Then, since I was out, I headed down towards Rangeley and Errol and met some new friends there....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
It's always cool to see moose, and I got to see 10 of them that day.......
The plural of moose is still....."moose", right? I mean - it ain't "mooses", right?
And Monday morning started with this - camp coffee...
Looking over the lake, at 730am, hearing nothing but the birds and a slight breeze, reading a book with a cup of joe. Seriously- it doesn't get any better than that.....
Then it was another 3.5 hour trip back home. Logged a lot of miles..... but it was a really good weekend. Hope you all enjoyed yours as well -
Love ya,
Mean it -