Had a really good weekend with Valerie, my family, and - with the camera (shocker!)!!!
Mothers Day was good - and we had my Mom - Connie, the Living Legend.... over for a Mothers Day Brunch with some family members...
Here's a pic of her at her house...
Pretty sure that wasn't coffee in that coffee cup!!! haha- 87 years old and still rockin it!!
Finally had some pretty good luck with Mother Nature this weekend, ending a 2 month long drought of having any good weather for photography! Normally- the end of Winter and start of Spring are what photogs call "stick season". No color anywhere, and lots of mud. Basically- there's nothing to shoot. THAT - is how I came to start looking for and photographing bald eagles. And on Friday- this guy landed pretty close to where I was standing in the woods!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
He wasn't fazed by me at all - and he stayed put a while - looking down at me, and then all around. And then - he flew...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Not a bad start to the weekend!
Then - on Saturday morning - I was out before the sunrise and headed up to Old Orchard Beach to shoot the pier - at high tide....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Such a beautiful spot, but HOLY S*** it was COLD! The temp said "48" - but man, it felt like 20!!!
The pic above was shot about 30 seconds after the sun for made it's appearance. I love that moment when I'm out shooting.
And check THIS: As Im shooting the above pic, about 20 feet to my left, just out of view of my camera- there was a young woman doing a photo shoot with a professional photographer- and it was a BIKINI shoot!
At SUNRISE. With the wind blowing about 25 mph!! There I am - in a friggin PARKA, with a HOODIE, a HAT, and friggin GLOVES- and this gorgeous chick is almost naked for 30 minutes - and she looked like she was perfectly fine with it!
I don't know who she was - but she was a friggin HARDCORE. (Not the photos, haha - they were professional and tasteful, I just mean - she was hardcore in her committment to do the shoot). haha...
And BEFORE that happened- I got this one....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Great spot.
Valerie was out with friends on Saturday night- so I watched the Celts- and thought I'd have a pizza, but didn't want to order take out - so - I tried one of these...
If you know, then you know. If you follow Barstool Sports- this is their brand of frozen pizza, promoted by Dave Portnoy. He rates pizza all over the country- so I thought I'd try his....and IM here to say...
Its PRETTY DAMN GOOD!!! It's a solid pizza for being frozen!! Im giving at 8 in the overall category, and a 9 in the Frozen Pizza Category. It's as good as I've had.
But "One Bite"? Well, all I can say is it took a lot more than that to eat half the damn thing....hahah...
After that, went out shooting to catch the sunset- and had more great conditions. When I got home- sat down, and turned the tv on to ESPN - and THIS is what they were showing....
Are you kidding me? Two dudes, with matching shirts, and headphones in - tossin' bean bags in at tournament, and the two announcers were treating it like it was the NBA FINALS! It was hilarious! (The broadcast wasn't hilarious- but the thought that someone said "Hey man - LETS PUT IT ON TV!!!"- is HILARIOUS!). I'd rank it below Olympic Curling, and Bowling on Television - for the most boring thing to watch ever. Sorry- nothing against cornhole- it's just not made for tv...
On another note- i saw two cars I want to mention here. The first was this bumper sticker on car in Portsmouth that I saw when I was walking around early morning shooting photos...
and this one made me laugh my ass off...Fy
Funny thing is - the license plate of the car was from VERMONT! Classic -"stay the hell out of our state" sentiment! LOVE IT!! Very funny -
And the second thing is kind of strange, but in a good way. I've been thinking a lot about my Grandfather lately. He was my idol, and he's been gone for a long time. I was thinking about what he would be thinking about the world if he were alive today. Everything from the world situation, the physical changes in the places he knew, the family and all that stuff. We called him "Pa", and my Grandmother "Nana". I was thinking about him Saturday night as I left my house to head out with the camera, when a mile or so into it- this car pulled in front of me......
I think not.
Hope you had a good weekend, and a Happy Mothers Day if you're a Mom...