I'll be right up front.
I didn't do shit this weekend. Haha- and it was awesome!
Sometimes you just need a whole lot of nothing, right? No place to be, nobody you have to pleasel! Bring it on!
I did start Friday after the show by attending the Open House at the Somersworth Police Station for my brother David's retirement. He served on the force for 39 years, and was Chief for the last 7.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
He's my best friend, and I'm proud as hell of what he accomplished and how he did it. I'm know I'm very lucky to have the relationship that we have. I know not all brothers do, and I don't take that for granted. Of course, the dude didn't even speak to me for the first 14 years of my life!!! But - that was then. Haha- the older I got, the closer we got. And it's awesome. I just wish I could have reaped some type of benefit from him being chief. Like- a business card that says "Brother of The Chief"! Maybe get me a discount on coffee and donuts or something like that!!! <grin>.
Saturday consisted of NOTHING. Didn't even leave the friggin house. It was a perfect day for it- because it rained all day long. I DID, however see some college hoops -
Watched the Tennessee and the Michigan games-
And a couple of movies/series - and I'll rank em as follows:
The Adam Project on Netflix.
Im gonna give it an 8.5 out of 10. Anything with Ryan Reynolds is good. And Jennifer Garner is a bonus.
Next was a series I really dug - Pieces of Her. I havent heard anything about it anywhere, so I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who watched it.
Still- I loved it. Toni Collette is awesome and the thing had me guessing right till the end....
Another 8.5
Oh yeah, Here's a text I got Friday night-
Can you believe THIS?
Friggin Roadkill doesn't know who that's a statue of right outside the Garden in Boston?
SHAMEFUL, BRO!! THAT'S BOBBY FRIGGIN ORR! THE GREATEST PLAYER TO EVER LACE UP THE SKATES!!! <sigh> - I don't know why I'm surprised....hahah - but I did laugh at it.
Also did a little shooting over the weekend, caught some cool fog in Portsmouth, a snowy owl in newbury, and of course.... a couple of these...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
On Sunday - I got tired of looking at the dump that was the inside of my car- so I busted out cleaning stuff and went to town (with Armorall included!).
And of course- when you clean YOUR car- a good husband ALWAYS cleans the wife's car as well! (I ain't stupid
Hope you all had a good weekend!