Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

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Caught a Couple Bald Eagles in Action...

Photographically speaking (haha- that sounds like such an asshole thing to say - haha) - I mainly shoot landscapes. Water, trees, rocks, fields, oceans, mountains. Anything that doesn't TALK. Don't get me wrong, I joke about "People, Not a Big Fan" - but I really do love people. I just don't always want to talk - hahah - so I seek places where I can focus on something else, and get away from the noise of the rest of the world. Doesn't everybody need a little time to themselves? A place to escape to for a bit? And in this season (the winter/spring months), when a lot of the landscape is dead and brown - I took up trying to photograph bald eagles. It's very challenging to get all the elements right in the right moment - to nail the shot when one is flying overhead or by you.

And that's why I do it.

So - with that in mind- here's a few I shot on Monday afternoon. It had been kind of, one of THOSE days, if you feel me - and I needed to get out of the house and do something.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

I got to watch three bald eagles for about an hour. One, was carrying branches to refurbish the nest, She was pretty damn big - probably about 6.5-7 ft wingspan on her! She was picking up sticks and carrying them back to the nest to rebuild it up.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And when she was flying right at me - a flock of geese (or ducks) flew by behind her...

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

I don't care who you are, or how cool you act- when a bird with a 7 ft wingspan flies over you - it's impressive.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

So after a rather frustrating morning - being out in the woods watching these birds - was a perfect remedy for what ailed me. Haha-

Hope you like em. And if you're looking for bald eagles - just go on the NH AUDOBON SOCIETY webpage. I believe they give you a rough idea of where you can see em -

Good luck -


ps. And for the record- I m always looking for new places to photograph bald eagles- so if you know a place, or own a place - let me know! I'd love to shoot there sometime!! Thanks - g

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