A few months back, we got a Whos The Douchebag? letter about this very thing - and this week the subject was gone viral with this Tik Tok video.
The person in the video ended a 23 car streak - allowed the car before to pay for them, and split without paying for the person behind them. Douche move?
Not if you just ordered a $6 drink and the dude behind you ordered $46 worth of stuff! Thats the position this dude/girl was in. Here's the video -
Well - the site JALOPNIK.com - did an article on it that takes on the subject, explaining it from the workers point of view. It also talks about some of the shit they have to deal with from customers (welcome to the working world, Bryce!!).
The thing is - all of this stuff was stuff we brought up when we read the letter we got in WHOS THE DOUCHEBAG?!
I guess we were ahead of the curve- hahah -