Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


The Week Off in Pics: Fat Cats, Parties, A Video, & WTF LOBSTER PRICES!

It was a pretty low key week, to be honest - and that's not a complaint.

Like many families- we were all dealing with covid in one way or another- so we kept the gatherings small. Still - we had a good time!

And of course- nothing says "CHRISTMAS" like a beautiful roaring fire, while you open your presents.....

New Years Eve was chill as well - but we had a blast with a few friends!

And the fattest cat I have ever seen... (his name is Sylvester. He's a cool cat, but he does have a bit of an attitude...haha)

Oh yeah, and this made me laugh too -

That would a) not surprise me, and b) it would send the conspiracy theorists into friggin ORBIT!!! hahahah...

And now for something completely different-


Why so expensive? I mean - it's not like its being delayed on a barge out in california, or cant be trucked to where it's supposed to go to, right? Someone tell me!

And to answer your question - YES - I STILL BOUGHT IT. Why? 2 reasons- 1. Because sometimes (especially on the last day of the year) - you just have to say - "F**** IT". And 2. I support local fishermen and women. And I'll throw in a third reason: BECAUSE IT'S LOBSTER, AND ITS DELICIOUS.

I did get out a couple times to shoot (with the camera), even though the weather absolutely SUCKED for most of the week. Got this up in Portland last week -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And I watched a few movies and stuff- and of course, THIS -

Yes, I watched the Return to Hogwarts special. And it was good. There. I said it. Deal with it.

And lastly - I'll leave you with a little video from the roadtrip I took on Monday, up the coast. It had been a long time since I visited some of my favorite spots up to the coast, and Monday was the only semi-nice day

to do it- so here it is. And stay till the end to get the reference I made to it in the title of this page -

Oh, and here's a pic I got early on Monday morning at a place called Five Islands Harbor. It's probably one of my favorite places to shoot a sunrise...

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

So - we're in 2022. Let's friggin GO.....


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