Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


My Weekend in 5: Left Center Right, The Purge, Snow And a Photo Roadtrip

It was a very good weekend - if you don't include watching the Patriots play like they did!

Started out at a party on Friday night- where we played the game LEFT-CENTER-RIGHT. I had never played before and it was a blast!

It's simple, fast, and fun - and you can go from being out out of the game - to winning it -just like that. The more people the better- and all it takes is 3 - $1 bills each. Look it up if you haven't heard of it! I lost all my money - and came back to win the game. Then I left the party - hahaha.....

Slept in (kind of) on Saturday and went to the station to start clearing out the office - getting ready for the move to the new studio. Now let's be clear- nothing is changing other than where we will be sitting when we do the show. If we didn't say anything about the new studio being built- you never would have been able to tell. But we all appreciate the concern from you folks- it's very kind. But we aren't going anywhere - we'll be there every morning.

BUT- still got clear out 37 years worth of stuff! Including pics like this -

Crazy how time flies, isn't it?

Also found stuff like this - (talk about from another lifetime!!)

Holy s*** Im glad I don't have to do that anymore!!

Went out after that and ran into this guy....

Which led to this -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Oh, and another thing I found in the office-

A signed Rolling Stone that Shannon Elizabeth from American Pie gave me.

I dunno. Maybe she was just diggin' on me.... haha...

Got on for a good long shoot all over the southern Maine coast on Sunday - during the snowstorm. I shot from 5am-Noon from Cape Porpoise, to Kennebunkport, to Wells and Ogunquit, all the way down to York. It felt really good to be out. With the schedule we've had over the last few weeks, I really hadn't gone out to shoot at all, so it was exactly what the doctor ordered. And in the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, I grabbed this shot in downtown Kennebunkport Maine -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Now I only have 900 more images to take a look at to see if they're any good....hahah....

The rest of the weekend was pretty chill, and I ain't got no problem with that..

See? Didn't even mention the friggin Patriots game...


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