Pretty good weekend, even though Saturday was a complete wash out. I spent a good chunk of that day in the studio doing some extra work, so at least I got stuff done.
Other than that - I started the weekend on Friday by shooting some post-storm photos. Waves are always bigger along the coast after a storm - and here's a couple I got -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Nubble Light in Cape Neddick was hopping (wave-wise)....
And Whaleback Light in New Castle was getting pounded too...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Saw this totally COVID-SAFE Trick or Treat set up - haha! Pretty genius if you want to give out candy but have to take precautions!
And besides - what little kid isn't going to like the whole candy-comes-flying-outta-the-chute idea?
My son gives me crap about picking up leaves as often as I do (and by "picking up" - it's either with a blower or a lawn mower, mind you)- but hey - the shit piles up!!!!
This is one swipe around half of the side lawn!!!!!!!!
Had to hit the grocery store- and here's a question: what's with the MEGA SIZE boxes of cereal?
Granted- Im not buying any of these- but holy s***!!! What Hagrid sized people are buying THESE TWO TON BOXES OF CEREAL? And what NORMAL cabinet can house these ANDRE THE GIANT sized boxes?
On Sunday -I helped Valerie, who was working on a project at her school. It's an outdoor education project that involves constructing a tee-pee.
Yeah, I helped build a tee-pee this weekend, WHAT'D YOU DO, BRUH??
Watched a VERY GOOD movie this weekend called "OLD HENRY" - and if you like western-type movies- you should watch it. It was one of those movies I'd never heard of, and yet tried it anyway
and was very pleasantly surprised!
Ended the weekend with a first for us- we cooked brisket for dinner. I've always loved it -but never made it at home. I can't claim i cooked it though - Valerie did the work, and it was excellent!
Hope you all had a good weekend too~