I guess I should lead off with something nobody knew, that I'l tell you now: For the last two weeks, our house has been dealing with Covid 19. I did not, and do not have it- but both my wife and son did. Thankfully they were both vaccinated, so the breakthrough cases weren't nearly as bad as it can be for someone without the vax (now don't get whacked out on me - Im not telling anyone what to do - I'm just relaying my experience). What Valerie and Tyler both had were kind of like a good sized head and chest cold. We knew they'd be fine -but we still had to take all the Covid precautions, they quarantined for 10 days each and each and are now past and over it. At work I social distanced and wore a mask because I could have been exposed. I tested negative 3 times. So now I feel like we're in the clear - or - as much as anyone can be nowadays. Welcome to the new normal...
Anyway - I'm telling you this because for the last two weeks- we've been playing it pretty close to home, and I haven't really done much because I've had to social distance myself from everyone (including work), and wear a mask when I went inside any store. The only thing I could do is go be somewhere by myself - which, thankfully, is how I do photography. Therefore- this was the first weekend in 3 - where Valerie and I could do something together, and since it had to be something easy- we went for walks in parks with Molly....
And by the way- Molly digs the car rides...
We had a fire on Saturday night- because it was a perfect night for it - with the fall temps.
Man, nothing beats a back yard fireplace...
I did get out and do some shooting - and Saturday morning looked like - and was - junk, weather-wise. There would be no sunrise shots, or color in the sky-
But I went out anyway....and was reminded of a lesson....
You gotta appreciate what you have....
And when you don't get what you came for......you just keep looking...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And as I was leaving, the welcoming committee came out to say "Hello"!
(this is the stupid s**t I think of when I'm out doing stuff...)
I make no excuses for the little videos I do. Don't know why I do it, but sometimes you just have to say "Screw it" - and go for it.
And speaking of dumb.....am i the only one who looked at this boat quickly and thought it was named- BUTT LOVE?
(I did kinda think it was a little aggressive for a boat name!!! haha)
And that day ended with another Molly pic. This was after our walk - it's just her on her bench in front of her window. Her window on the world...
Oh yeah, and that's me - out shooting Saturday morning....
On Sunday - I got this one- I drove past it and saw the leaves falling in the wind.
It looked like "Autumn - in Progress" to me...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And that's about it. Not an eventful weekend- but hopefully things can start getting back to normal now. Everyone's ok - and the quarantine is over. Thankfully-
I hope you enjoyed your weekend -