Had a pretty good weekend!
Normally I try to keep my schedule clear for the first two weeks of October so I can tour around NH-VT-ME with the camera, and that's pretty much what I did this weekend.
Started off on Friday at 10am when I jumped in the car and headed for Franconia Notch!
I was more interested in shooting something personal rather than a grandiose foliage scene, and as I was walking around Echo Lake - this guy glided out in front of me....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Just an older guy doing what he loves, at the perfect time of year. And at the perfect moment for me. Click. Boom. (thats what I say to myself when I take a shot and think I might have got something good....haha)
Toured through Franconia Notch, Bretton Woods, Crawford Notch, Sargents Purchase, Bartlett, Conway, and then as I was passing through Tamworth- I saw this -
And there was no way in hell I was not gonna stop! The setting sun cast everything at the Chocorua Dam in gold....and it was gorgeous....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And it's hard to drive past Mt Chocorua without paying your respects to how beautiful she is - so I threw the bird (drone) up in the air to get a couple shots....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And I knew that at some point this weekend- I was going to have to make a pre-emptive strike against my lawn, and all of the downed leaves. So- I hit it late Friday afternoon. Cleaned the whole damn yard- blew the leaves off, then mowed the lawn (there were too many to mow them). Looked great too!
For about 8 hours - because when I woke up the next morning- i got THIS...
I KNOW - it's part of New England if you live here. I get it. But I think it's like women giving birth. They have some chemical in their brain that allows them to forget how painful an event it is to go through! That way - they forget, and want to have more kids! Every year, as much as I love the season - I forget how much cleaning up leaves in the yard friggin BLOWS!
In other news....
Had to say "See Ya Later" to this guy - as he flew back to the west coast for the remainder of the year -
But - we DID have some fun this summer - haha!!!
And has this ever happened to you? Valerie asked me to grill the chicken that was in the fridge, because we were getting close to expiration date. Sometimes that happens if we've been really busy or if we just didn't feel like eating that particular thing. Anyway - so I bust it out to grill - and THERE'S LIKE 10 FRIGGIN LBS OF CHICKEN!!!
Check it - this is supposed to feed 4 people- NOT FRIGGIN 10!!!! haha...
My second roadtrip of the weekend put me in Western NH - in Harrisville, and then through Dublin, Bennington (had some pretty damn good raspberry pancakes there!), Antrim and Hillsborough!
I wanted to get an early morning shot in Harrisville, at this place....
And I visited an old friend while I was out.....
And then.......it was time to relax before the Patriots game...
(shout out to Northwoods Brewing!!!)
Then.... like many of you - I watched the Patriots game...
and felt like this....
And thats how I ended my weekend - - pissed that the Patriots lost that game about 4 x in 3 hours.... Ugh...
Hope you had a good weekend!