Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


My Weekend in 5: Shooting, HOLY DONUT, Fresh Bugs, and Back to The Movies

I know that when I write "Shooting" in the title - some of you were going to think I mean with a weapon. You'll have to wait for that, until Roadkill and I are at SIG SAUER on the 28th! haha - But this weekend, it meant (and usually does for me) - I was shooting with a camera.

I took a ride to Cape Elizabeth at 4:30a on Saturday morning to Portland Head Light to see what I could get. It wasn't a spectacular morning - weatherwise - but it's such a gorgeous place, you always find something.

If you've never been to Fort Williams Park- I cant recommend it enough. It's PERFECT for a day to hang by the ocean, walk or run the trails, and relax with friends and family. Oh, and it's BEAUTIFUL

Trust me. You'll love it. (Oh, and it's free)

Valerie and I did something we haven't done in almost TWO YEARS!! Shit, I can't even remember the last time I did it!

We went to the movies! Normally, it's no big deal - but I can't lie- I was psyched for it! Took in Matt Damon's "STILLWATER"

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Oh, and I stopped into the new location - along the waterfront in Portland- of HOLY DONUT. Had no idea it was that locations grand opening- and I was one of the first through the door! HOLY CRAP the doughnuts were delicious! They're famous throughout Maine- and if you've never tried em, they're worth the trip! I even got to meet Jeff- the Holy Donut CEO, outside the store! Really friendly (just like everyone else there was!), and the coffee and donuts were awesome!

And yeah, we got a LARGE popcorn. Why? Because if Im spending NINE DOLLARS for a medium, I'm gonna throw down the extra buck and get the bucket! That way, should I need - we can get FREE REFILLS HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! (we didn't however).

Good movie. Damon's a friggin beast of an actor. Nothing that dude cant do.

Spent Sunday doing errands and stuff - and swung out to LOBSTERS OFF THE BOAT in York ME, right on the river! Grabbed a couple pound and a halfers for Tyler and I (Valerie and Cait don't dig "bugs" - thats lobsterman talk- haha).

They don't get any fresher than buying em straight off the dock! And speaking of fresh- add to that some local farm grown corn on the cob (Viels Farm in Rollinsford is my go-to! Always awewsome!)- and we had a pretty darn good dinner to round out the weekend!

ps. also got a chance to see a fascinating doc called THE DAY THE EARTH CHANGED, on Apple TV. It's about the effect the pandemic had on nature, throughout the world.

David Attenborough narrates, and it's really interesting.

So it wasn't a rock and roll type of weekend- but it was a good one nonetheless. Hope yours was good too!!!


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