Every year, these beautiful snowy owls fly south to the NH/ME seacoast because the food supply is better than where they're from. And every year, the places they make their winter home- are deluged with photographers from everywhere who want to photograph them.
And if you've ever watched one- then you know why that is so. They are the most entertaining birds to watch, with personality and playfulness that I haven't seen in any other wildlife I've witnessed.
There has been a lot of criticism about photographers who get too close and bother the animals, but Im not one of those photographers. I use a 600mm lens, and then crop the image to make it seem closer than I actually am. The photos here are taken from 50-60 yards away, which is plenty of distance for a bird that is not at all skittish. I've taken a couple of drives through Plum Island's Parker River Wildlife Reserve, and the Salisbury Wildlife Reservation and have gotten lucky to see them a few times. I only go in the midday hours during the week. The weekend is bombarded with weekend warriors who tend to crowd the animals, and I don't want to be a part of that. I like fewer folks, just because they tend to be very respectful of the birds.
So here's a few shots I've gotten...
I love their eyes. The bright yellow is just stunning.
They'll sit on a spot like this for hours. They're conserving energy for their next hunt.
"Roxxxxxxxxxxannnnne! You don't have to put on the red light!!"
or this one...
"Seriously Ossifer, I have not been drinknnnnnnn.....Look! I can do this!"
"Holy shit....this week will NEVER end....."
They make so many faces that it feels like they're posing for you. And they're playful -
Snowy Owls are beautiful animals to watch, for sure. And we're lucky they choose coastal NH/ME to live in for a period of time. Hope you get to see one live so you can see what Im talking about-
Hope you like em -
If you want to see more of my photography, feel free to check out www.kretchy.com