Here's some more of my recent photographs.
I have to say, I consider myself SO lucky that photography is something I can do by myself, maintaining social distancing while I get to do what I love. If I couldn't do it - I can't even think of how frustrating that would be!
But, like I said- Im lucky that I love to be along the ocean, or in or near the woods on my own, so I can practice what is indeed- my therapy.
Here's a few of my recent shots -
The Fish House. Cape Porpoise ME.
Cape Porpoise is one of my favorite spots in all of Maine. And I think the reason is that there are no big resorts or fancy hotels there. It's a small, working fishing village - and to me- that is totally Maine. This historic Fish House is thought of as the most photographed building in the state, and with good reason. She sits above the water as the tide rolls in and out beneath her. And on this day, the sky churned in colors in the hour before the sun peaked over the horizon. It was a morning that left a smile on my face for the rest of the day. That's how good it felt to catch this -
The next one? Portsmouth's Market Square after a snowfall.
While I was hoping for more snow, that didn't materialize. But still, framing the historic North Church, along with the Christmas wreaths and street lights, just felt right when I saw it. I know its a little busy, compositionally, but all those elements combine to represent Market Square in 2020.
And next - Sunrise at Fort Stark, New Castle NH
The sun crested the horizon and the color lasted only minutes in the sky. I just happened to be in the right spot to see it. It's such a peaceful place. If you've never watched the sunrise from Fort Stark in New Castle - bring a cup of coffee and sit and take it in. You won't regret it...
And last but not least, a shot that's gotten a lot of attention on line-
I called it "Decades in the Making" because as I stood amongst this white birch cathedral, that's all I could think about. Decades ago, someone planted these birches thinking that 30 or 40 years from now, this will look amazing. And that forethought really struck me. Standing here amongst these trees felt like being in church, in a way. We spoke in hushed tones because of it. You could feel it.
So to the people with the incredible vision that planted these trees decades ago - I thank you. Because even in this dormant in between seasons period we're in -they still are beautiful.
Hope you like the pics. You can see more of my work at