For the first time in as long as I can remember - I went two weeks without going out with the camera to shoot something, somewhere.
And I have to tell you - it sucked. I guess it's like a musician who loves to play every day, or anything else that starts as a want and then becomes a need. That's how I feel about photography.
So - here's a few from the last month. I got out yesterday and shot the huge waves crashing into Whaleback Light in Kittery Point ME. The waves hit the light and shot almost 60 ft in the air! It was nuts!
That was shot with a 600mm lens from a pretty good distance- so Im pscyhed there was enough light for it to come out as clear as it did. Pretty cool thing to watch!
This next one was one I shot at Smugglers Notch VT. What a gorgeous place! The trunk and roots of this tree wrapped around the base of this rock like it's life depended on it....
She was HUGE.....
I also spent a day wandering around Bristol ME, and I found this great spot in New Harbor. It's like a hidden gem of a location if you're a photog!
And nearby, is the Pemaquid Point Light in Bristol. I was shooting this tiny Beach Rose in front of the lighthouse - when this little guy jumped into the pic! Look close!
Nice timing, huh?
And last but not least - one of my favorites from last year. I shot this in Peacham VT. And even though foliage shots are usually sunny, and the colors bursting- I kind of like the rainy, foggy days where the color is deeper and more personal. Well, at least for me -
Anyway - over the next couple weeks I'll be all over the place- because Fall is my favorite time to shoot. Hope I see you out there in my travels!
ps. If you want to see more of my work - check out