In the late spring, before the colors actually return to the landscape- that's when I concentrate on photographing bald eagles. So that's why I take so many pics of eagles in the early spring. Having said that, I haven't had a whole lot of time to shoot landscapes as much as I'd like, and when I did have the time - the weather sucked.
Regardless- here's some shots for you....
This one was taken at Acadia National Park as the sunsets off of Cadillac Mountain. Such a beautiful spot....
I shot this one Saturday morning at the state pier in Portsmouth. I came upon this gear, which looked like it was ready to be loaded on a boat heading out. The fisherman showed up a minute or two later, and was really nice about letting me get a couple more shots of it before I got the heck out of his way. Thanks to Ward Byrne for the hospitality (the gear was his).
Mates. One of the coolest things about watching bald eagles is getting to see them as mates. It's funny because you can see them dote on each other, help each other (building the nest, maintaining it, and watching the babies), and even fight sometimes. It's cool that they mate for life. Funny how some of things they do mimick what humans do.
Beautiful Market Square in Portsmouth NH, at 4am. Not a soul in sight, and totally silent. Perfect.
And one last eagle shot. Bald Eagles: All Business, All the Time.
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