Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


New Photo Tuesday: Cold Shots 1-2-18

Cold enough for ya?

Jeez!!!! The whole last two weeks of the year were spent hovering around zero degrees, or way worse with the wind chill!

No matter! I still went out anyway! Shot one morning in -22 wind chill,  another in Maine at -19 WITHOUT wind chill, and New Years Day, it as -7 along the coast to shoot the first sunrise of the year! Anyway- here's a few of the shots I got.... hope you like em!

And if you want to see more of my photos, check out 

Tugs in Seasmoke

This was taken on the windiest of the cold days - with -22 degree wind chill. It's the iconic Moran Tugboats of Portsmouth, passing Whaleback Light House just off the coast of New Castle. I had never seen the tugs on the ocean before (even though I know they do it all the time), and it struck me how no matter how cold or crappy the weather- they always answer the call to get the job done. They escorted THIS Starfleet looking thing into the harbor....


This thing looked like a friggin Starfleet space ship from Star Wars! It was monsterous!

The smoke all around is "sea smoke". It's a weather related phenomenon that happens when the cold water is warmer than the colder air. It normally happens only a few times a winter. But it's been happening for over a week straight already...


One of the last sunrises of 2017.  It was a pretty good year, but at the end - I was ready to move on to the new year, I can tell you that...

I shot this from the New Castle Great Island Commons. And while moving around to get into position to capture both the sun and the lighthouse in the frame- the sun peaked out of the clouds, and this is the shot I got of it.

Fort Constitution

I shot this from across the river, in Kittery Point Maine, of Fort Constitution. The Portsmouth Harbor Light is closest, and way in the background is Whale Back LIght. The Sea Smoke was heavy all morning long. 

First Rise of 2018

This is a shot from Rye Harbor NH - of the first sunrise of 2018.

Each day and each year bring new possibilities for all of us. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and may you all succeed in whatever you strive for.


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