So there I was, walking down a trail alone in Acadia National Park, at around 7am or so. All was quiet, and then I looked to my left- and there she was.
She saw me before I saw her.
She froze, as did I. And after a moment, I slowly raised my phone and started shooting video - and she never flinched. She kept watching me like I was her - and it was like she knew I wasn't a threat. It was really very cool! The video is about a minute long - and just before I turned it off, and moved along, I did something I can't explain...
I waved goodbye to her.
Haha - Is that weird?
I know it sounds ridiculous, but it felt like the thing to do, like she understood it. She considered me still, as I walked away, leaving her to her feeding.
And 20 minutes later when I walked back, she did the same thing.
This time, I just nodded and kept walking as she watched me.
I know it's a small thing, but to me - it's a special thing. A cool moment that I won't forget.
But if I ever tell anyone else about this - I'll leave out the waving part. sounds weird...