Holy crap, I needed one of the weekend days to just chill and rest! Last week- it felt like my weekend started on Wednesday!!!
Headed down to Boston with Valerie to take in the Celts/Thunder game and hung out this cat-
SCAL! He's such a cool and gracious guy, he brought Valerie and I down on the court to chat for a while before the game, and even though the Celts lost that night- it was still a blast!
Oh, and the seats were pretty damn good!
On Friday night - I had the honor of hosting HENRY WINKLER for a Q&A at the Music Hall in Portsmouth!
Henry gave a very funny and inspirational presentation for about 50 minutes, then I came out and sat down and did another 40 with a ton of questions. And I can assure you - Henry is every bit as cool a guy as you would hope he would be. He was kind, funny, and very appreciative!
Here's what the stage looked like -
And here he is - Me and The Fonz....
I'll write more on that on another post tomorrow -
So let's see - what else was there?
Oh, Saturday was spent doing yard stuff- chopping up snow and ice so it would melt faster, and doing groceries and stuff.
Then we headed for a little dinner and a beer -
Sunday morning it was out the door at 5am to catch some really cool fog in the seacoast area. I hit Portsmouth first -
And then to the piers -
I love to photograph things and places in the fog. It's dramatic in it's own way, with a touch of mystery. I dig it.
And I leave you with this- I can't stand the thought of chewing ice. And I also think anyone that loves it is most likely a SERIAL KILLER.
So imagine my surprise when I saw this pic of Daisy from our Doggy Day Care-
Holy S***! NOW IM IN TROUBLE!!! haha
Daisy loves to chew it! I'm like - "PERFECT! I GOT A SERIAL KILLER FOR A DOG!"
Hope you had a good weekend -