Recovery Weekend: I Didn't Do Much, But Here's what I Did... haha

So this may come as a shock (not) to you, but....

I didn't do s*** this weekend.

I slept till 10AM on Saturday morning - and the last time THAT happened- Woodrow friggin Wilson was President!!

I laid down the law at the house (because you know, I'm the MAN of the house!!! Hahah- right!) - I told Valerie- I just want to do nothing for two days. That's it.

Now - that doesn't itself to a good "pics from my weekend" post- but here's a few from what I DID do -

First thing I'll share is that Thursday night- when Kayla and I went downstairs to the hotel bar after the first day of LHC- there they were AGAIN -

The monthly gathering of Society of SANTA CLAUSE'S - or whatever they call themselves! Mrs Clause's were there too - and let me tell you something- if you want to feel good? Pop you're head into one of their get togethers! Holy crap! I LOVE EM ALL! SOOOOO nice! I know - that's what you'd expect, right? But what a fun, welcoming and kind group they are!

Now to the weekend- Saturday I laid low all day. (We did go to a party on Saturday night- but no cameras were allowed. Apparently swingers don't like that stuff! Haha)

Sunday morning - I did get up early to out and do some shooting with the camera-

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Sunrise at Nubble Light. Not great, but still nice.

Then I checked in on a couple eagles...

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Saw a few deer as well -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Then it was home to crash and watch the Pats and chill with the pup....

Yeah, she pretty much sits where she wants.....haha- but I didn't mind one bit. Why? Because Im not Roadkill, who can't stand animals.... (haha -j/k - kinda)

Then we had the Queen over for dinner -

Photo: Apple Photos Clean Up

Oh yeah, my Dad was there too but i couldn't fit him in the pic.... hahaha.

So thats it kids. Boring. But for me - boring this weekend was good.

Hope you had a good one-


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