My Weekend: Family Reunion, A Clean Up That Made Me Smile, Eagles & A Show

Back on my Mom's 89th birthday, she told all of us that she would really love to have a family "reunion" type get together with all of our kids, and their kids. And that is exactly what we did this weekend. My sister and her famliy came back from Indiana for it, and the whole weekend was basically a family get together!

We reserved a local park to have it at and hoped the rain held off (which it did for the most part) - and when all was said and done- 40+ people showed up!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

It was a casual party that included whiffle ball, volleyball, food, and a lot of laughs. It was a very good day, especially for my Mom and Dad - and that's what it's all about!

Here's Tyler, throwing Valerie a pitch - which she DID hit too!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Of course- no good "family reunion" DOESN'T start with MORNING DRINKS AT GREG AND VALS HOUSE, right???? (Well, the adult kids took advantage of it - haha)

That's me and my brother's son Hunter - ripping it up at 9am!! haha

And when we got there- Connie was ready to go too! She was diggin it!!!!

We had it in a public park in our town and the baseball field there is named after my grandfather (my Mom's dad). There's a monument there commemorating that and when we got there- we saw that it was getting over grown with vines. Without being asked- the kids- my grandfathers great-grandchildren went to work and cleared it. That's the kind of thing that makes a parent smile.

It's always good to hang with family, but this was long overdue - and to hear my Mom glowingly talk about it afterward was very cool.

In other news....

Friday night we took in a concert at Prescott Park by a singer/songwriter I think it's awesome - Joy Oladokun. She's done duets with Chris Stapleton, Noah Kahan, and Jason Isbell and she's really good! And- well, it's a free concert on the water in Portsmouth - how can you go wrong?

Even though I was exhausted from Fri/Sat - I still got up and headed out with the camera at 4:20am (coincidence?????) -hahah. There wasn't a sunrise- but I did grab a few shots with a couple bald eagles I visit from time to time-

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

After that, I chilled at home with Valerie, and that was it. It was a good weekend!

Oh, and did you say you wanted to see a pic of Daisy?

Oh, OK!

Haha- yeah, Im THAT guy.....haha -

Hope you had a good weekend-


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