The Running of The Bulls Goes Wrong: I'm Rooting for the Bulls!

The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona Spain is a legendary tradition - and it's the only one I know of where i actively root for the human beings to EAT IT.


I look at it as a potential thinning of the herd. Not of the bulls, mind you - of the idiots who do it.

The cruelty of the whole thing aside (and that's tough to do!) - I maintain if you want to run in front of stampeding giant bulls - don't look for sympathy from me when you have a bulls horn going into your anus and out your forehead.

So sad, too bad, Chief.

Gored through the groin? That sucks. Tough luck, sport!

So imagine my joy at watching all these dudes get trapped at the gate into the arena- with the bulls bearing down at them! Check out this video and fast forward to about the 2:15 mark and see the logjam of humanity....

Somehow- there was only 6 people injured! And heres another view of the running itself -

Oh, you want to see more? Check this footage from years ago -

All I can say is - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I don't feel bad for anyone who gets injured or dies while doing this. You got what you came for.


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