My Weekend (with Videos!): Brews, Boats, Critters, Pups, Bruins & More

Its 8:14pm on Sunday night as I write this, and I was thinking I'd get to bed by 8:30p.

That ain't gonna happen.

Whatever! We had a jam packed weekend here at the Kretchy Compound! Haha - We continued with Brew Tour Stop #63, had a great day out with the camera on Saturday, checked out some puppies, bald eagles and some other critters too!

It started Friday night with the 63rd stop on our brew tour with our friends Gary and Lorraine! Hard to believe- we've visited 63 different brew pubs in the last year or so - and we haven't even scratched the surface yet! This week we ended up at Brickyard Hollow in Ogunquit ME! I had the Opus 3 brew, and we all shared a couple pizzas! The beer was very good, and the pizza was KILLER! Great place! And if you go there - ask for "Paige" - she was our server and she was awesome!

Saturday morning I was up at 3:30am and headed out to Center Harbor NH, on Lake Winnipesaukee to see if I could catch a sunrise. Center Harbor is the where the famed MV Mt Washington (the boat) resides during winter. It's the home of Buzz Luau on the Lake every year! Turned out to be a pretty nice morning on the lake!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

From there I headed over to Moultonboro NH- home of Castle in the Clouds. That placed is closed for the season, but there are trails you can hike around it, and one of them takes you to one of my favorite waterfalls - the Fall of Song. It's a beautiful spot, if you've never been!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

I recorded some video along the way that morning too, if you want to check it out -

And check this out- did you hear about my wife, the expert turkey caller, branching out to call OWLS?? IF you havent seen it yet - here's sample of her doing it last week -

Well this weekend- she called it RIGHT INTO OUR YARD!!! Check him out!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Pretty cool Barred Owl!!! Even caught him in flight crossing across the yard! We watched it hunt for about 30 minutes and then left it alone. Pretty cool!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Got to see some other "critters" this weekend too!

This gorgeous loon swam pretty close to shore while I was in Center Harbor -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Got to see a bald eagle scoop up an eel, and then got chased by seagulls as it flew off with it!!! (Bald Eagles will steal food from other birds. Know why? BECAUSE THEY CAN, THATS why!)

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And on Sunday - Valerie and I went to an open house for a dog adoption agency and met some pups! Fell in love with this little lady-

She was adorable- but then again- they all were!! So we've been approved to adopt- now it's just a matter of finding a dog that's right for us. So the search is on!

I mean - look at us- we're AWESOME pet owners!!

Haha- yeah - we have fun.

Hope you all had a good weekend too -


ps. LETS GO BRUINS! Watched the game Saturday night and it was awesome. BRAD MARCHAND FOR THE HALL OF FAME!!! Dude deserves it- he was on FIRE!

(Celts were good too - real good- but it was a blowout so it wasn't as fun to watch, still - GO CELTS!)

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