My Weekend: An Encore Trip, Brew Tour #6, A Must Stop and a Wild Ride

Lets just start with this, shall we?

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Look at this chick! EYEBALLIN' ME!!! Haha- I guess I had it coming. I was set up at a distance watching her guard her nest, and she was just checking to see if I was a threat. She checked me out for a minute or so - then went about her business. But in the hour I was there watching - she did give me a little flying show.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

She flew loops and flybys to exercise her wings for a bit. The male usually switches place with her after a while so she can fly while he watches the nest, but he never showed. So - she took a couple short flights - never letting the nest leave her sight. This one is my favorite from the hour -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

I love the peek a book through the wings - and I love that the eyes are in focus. Photo lesson #1 when it comes to shooting wildlife: If the eyes aren't in focus, it's a fail.

Later, due to my Dad being in the hospital and family responsibilities surrounding that- our weekly local brewery visit -Brew Tour #6 - was a close to home visit to STRIPE 9 BREWERY in Somersworth!

Six of us had some brews, ciders and wines- and crushed some wings, a couple pizzas, and a charcuterie board!

I had a Backdraught, which was really good, and so was the food!

We're lining up some other breweries for the coming weeks- so if you know of a killer spot- let me know at!

Had an uneventful shoot on Saturday morning.

The conditions were flat and there wasn't much of a sunrise- but I did my best give you my audition for the role of "Old Man of The Sea"!

I was out shooting in Oqunquit ME - and if you're in Ogunquit or Wells ME, early in the morning -

this place is a MUST stop.

And on Saturday night- Laura, Kayla and I hosted a bus of LEND A HELPING CAN WINNERS on a trip to Encore Casino in Boston!

I lasted about 20 seconds on the BLACK JACK table - where my $50 minimum bid got taken from me before I ever knew what hit me!!! Haha - we did have a really good time with a group of folks though!

And the limo ride home?

Well- it was epic. Don't believe me? Well this is what I can show youu!

In the last one, Kayla is given a very close, close up - of Laura's booty...hahah! Thats what I can show you, but you should see the stuff I CAN'T show you!!!

Sunday was a wash thanks to the rain, so we spent the day with my Mom, visited my Dad in the hospital, then watched the Bruins and Celtics-

And there it is. Andddddddd- Im toast.

Hope you had a good weekend -


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