Hey friends- how was your weekend? Hope it was good! Mine was pretty good - although it was busy - which means I've been thinking about going to bed for about 3 hours how - hahah! If we only had ONE MORE WEEKEND DAY, am I right?
So, I obviously get out of work earlier than Valerie- so if the day is nice, like Friday was - at this time of year, I usually head out to the woods to visit one of the several eagles nest sites I know of. On Friday, I got to see a couple flying around- and one kind of guarding the nest (Im pretty sure there are eggs in the nest at this point. Its that time of year).
Here's a couple I got - He comes in and sticks the one point landing - he actually landed on the tip of a branch!
I think you can see the bands on both the talons on the 2nd shot. That's for tracking and studying purposes by NH Fish and Game and The Audobon Society.
Then it took again -
The pair then flew wicked high- like maybe a half a mile up - and were circling close together and I was thinking they were going to lock talons and tumble down (it's a "courting" ritual)- but they didn't. Instead - they flew almost wing tip to wing tip. It's something you rarely see - but I was shooting it handheld at great distance - so it wasn't as sharp as I would have liked it to be. Still - kind of cool to see mating eagles do this -
We checked out a theater production one of our friends was in over in Kittery ME on Friday, it was "A Doll's House 2". It was a very interesting play. 4 cast members, sparse stage, and it was all driven by strong performances from each of the cast. Roadkill would have hated it - because there weren't any explosions....haha - and it was a serious play too. Nobody rubbed their balls on anyones drumsets either - haha....
The alarm went off at 4am on Saturday so I could head up to Freeport Maine to Wolfes Neck State Park. It's a really nice little park on the water with nice trails along a rocky shoreline. The air was still and the water was calm - which was perfect for a cool sunrise-
I love to catch the first glimpse of the sun as it crests the horizon - and doing that means usually arriving at where I want to shoot an hour ahead of time. That way, when it happens- you're ready.....
Saturday night was BREW TOUR 23 time and we headed up to Merrimack NH to hit ABEL EBENEEZER BREWING COMPANY!
We had a really good time! Beer was good, and they had a cool food truck there too! Plus- the place was filled with nice folks!
Had a nice time chatting with this group of folks from Merrimack, while we were there-
And THIS dog was friggin ADORABLE!
Folks- meet "Dobby"! (which was another reason you love him! It's straight out of Harry Potter!) Look at this little guy!
Thanks to his owners for letting me hang with him! It was a blast-
And a special shout out to Dan! Dan came over and introduced himself as a long time listener! Nice to meet ya , brother!
Nice bunch of folks there!
Sunday was a chill day, doing photo organization work and editing, the a little hoops watching with our son, and dinner with the fam at night.
Not bad at all -
Just wish I had one m ore day to maybe do nothing but sleep - hahah
Ain't life a bitch?
Hope you have a good week y'all -