My "Table for Two" with Bob Marley- FULL SHOW and Bonus Segments!

Let me tell you about Bob Marley. Of course he's funny! Everyone knows that! But the reason I wanted to sit down with him and do this - was because I wanted people to see how MUCH work goes into doing what he does. Yes, he makes goofy faces and makes fun of his family, but there's so much more that goes into it. And the beauty of it is- YOU NEVER SEE that part - because you're not supposed to! All I wanted to do is pull back the curtain to give you a little glimpse of what makes Marley tick, and what is it about the stand up comedy art form that he loves. Bob's a good friend, and I loved getting the chance to record this episode with him.

Thanks to Bob for doing it, and being so cool, and thanks to my Excecutive Producer Maryanne Mroczkaa, and the crew of Todd Diorio (nice editing, brother!), Chris Shepherd, Joel Wade and Paul Falco (videographers extraordinaire!). Always a pleasure to work with you all.

So, here it is- the full episode (in two parts) of my NH CHRONICLE feature "TABLE FOR TWO", and my guest is one of the funniest people you will ever see, one of the hardest working people AND nicest guys you'll ever meet- comedian BOB MARLEY! Hope you like it -

Part 1

take a breath...

heres Part 2....

And there was SO much good stuff that we couldn't fit into the show- we've produced 5 seperate BONUS SEGMENTS! Hope you like them too!

Bonus 1 - Working in LA Clubs...

Bonus 2 - "Training" in Boston...

Bonus 3- The Origin of "Nyup!"

Bonus 4 - New Englands King of Comedy?

and last but not least-

BONUS 5- Getting Started in LA -

And thats about all she wrote!

Thanks for watching, thanks to Bob Marley, and the NH CHRONICLE crew for being so damned good at what they do!


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