My Weekend: Flicks, Pickin', Beachin, and Poolin

Not a bad weekend! The weather was great, wasn't it??

We did just about everything we were hoping to do (well, EXCEPT clean my closet....which, of course, was more Valerie's idea than mine! ha!) - visited friends, chilled by the pool, went to the movies, and spent some time picking at a local farm!

Yeah, that's right- Im a big blueberry picker. Love em. And I'm a frequent flyer at Butternut Farm - one of the closest farms to where I live. They do an incredible job - with everything from apples to blueberries, peaches, raspberries, pumpkins, cherries, nectarines and more. So don't be shocked when I tell ya -

We picked 9 POUNDS of those suckers!! Boom! I eat em by the handful, in cereal, pancakes or muffins. You put blueberries in it, and I'll eat it. (Within reason, you pervert...)

Went to the movies on Saturday night to see -

I love Jordan Peele. I thought "Get Out" was great, but "Nope"? was good, but it was dangerously close to "Meh". It just never grabbed me. And I really wanted to like it too - I mean - it's about UFO's! As much as I'd love to rave about it- I just can't. Wait till it hits your streaming service.

Visited some friends at Wells Beach on Saturday night- and got this shot of a sailboat passing by a seal on a rock....

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Those are some big-ass seals right there! Well, I mean - Im not saying their asses are big, because that would be inappropriate. I mean - IM sure they have really nice asses - but Im not sure what a nice ass on a seal even looks like- so........just know I wasn't saying that. I just.....meant......... aww screw it...

Got out on Sunday morning and did a little shooting around the Portsmouth area. Here's the famous Badgers Island lobster shack.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And coincidentally, I was right back there Sunday night to try a new outdoor restaurant there called the "Buoy Shack". Really cool location, and the food was very good! Perfect summer food or a great spot to chill with some friends and have a few drinks while taking in the best view of Portsmouth there is!

But I'll be honest- a good chunk of the weekend was just chillin by the pool at home....or what i call -

Doing my best "Darth Vader without a Helmet" impression....

Hope you had a good weekend too!


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