So I broke my neck.
Well, ok it ain't "broken" per se - but I woke up Friday feeling like I slept wrong, or pulled a muscle or something. No big deal. But Friday night, and for the rest of the weekend- it got worse. A lot worse. And by that, I mean I couldn't turn my head, lift it or look down. I couldn't lift my friggin cranium just to get a drink from a cup of water! And the worst thing- I can't even tell you how I did it!!! Ugh...
Had to wear one of these rice filled thingy's that you put in the microwave to use as a heating pad. Also - slept on the couch sitting up because it sucked to lie down. All the while, Im just annoyed with it all. Ugh...
Here's me wearing my version of the "cone of shame" - that they give to dogs when they get neutered...
Friggin ridiculous thing took me out for the entire weekend! Didn't leave the house after Saturday morning because I was laid up. Boo-yah. Awesome. (not).
We did slide over to Pete's Bargain Basement because Valerie wanted a reading chair....
(I couldn't do anything - so what else am I gonna take pics of??? hahah)
Friday after the show- I did get out during the snowstorm however to do a little shooting.....
Here's one I got at the state pier in Portsmouth -
I love photographing in a snowstorm. It's always a challenge. I don't want to shoot it so that every snowflake is frozen in time - I want to show the movement of the snow so you can feel it. LIke you're in the storm.
*and if you're a photographer, just increase your ISO (I shot at 800), and reduce your shutter speed to 1/60th - that way the shutters open long enough to see the motion of the snow. Little photog info there...haha)
Also got this one Friday night- as the Memorial Bridge was lit up in blue to honor NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DAY on Sunday. (Thank you to all the men and women who work in Law Enforcement!
And as a bonus- this is what showed up on my phone on Saturday morning....
Yeah.....that's what our job is. doesn't suck...
Hope you had a good weekend-