Well, it's the beginning of foliage season - so as a member in good standing of the "Say Cheese Club", as Roadkill would say - I put some miles on the car this weekend, out with the camera.
Headed up to Errol NH and Grafton Notch State Park in ME on Saturday morning. Wake up time was 3am in order to get there around sunrise. Thats because that was our best shot to maybe see some moose in addition to the landsdcape stuff I shoot.
No moose- but the scenery was good..
This is Screw Auger Falls in Grafton Notch State Park. Gorgeous spot. Heres what it looked like through my camera -
And if you've ever been to Errol - you KNOW you gotta stop at LL Cote's. I mean - its the only place with gas for miles- so you gas up - and grab a coffee.
And how can you RESIST coffee like THIS?
MOOSE DROOL COFFEE!!! With a name like that, it HAS to be good! (And it was!)
And on the way back down Rt 16- this showed up on the car gps -
See? No matter how hard I try- or how far I go away- I can't escape the little prick!! (Hahah - )
Ok - and now it's time for a game. It's called TRAFFIC QUIZ: North Conway or Deerfield Fair?
Answer? North Conway (obviously). But man the traffic sucks there! I kept thinking - I don't think I could deal with that traffic every weekend! Sh*t! It must take an hour to get some friggin milk!
And as for the Deerfield Fair - I love that fair- but I couldn't go at 8am, and Im not waiting TWO HOURS in traffic for anything!!!
Moving on to the Tuckerman's Ravine Trail. It was raining, but we hiked up to Cascade Falls. It's a short distance, and SO worth it. Never been? Check it out -
Got home in time for a nice dinner out with Valerie at a great restaurant in downtown Dover NH. "DIVERGE." is one of our favorite spots in town, and the PAELLA is a masterpiece dish! SO GOOD!
And Im gonna post this next pic - and I don't care if you judge me. I'm owning it.
Here's my breakfast on Sunday...
Damn right!!! That's how I roll, ok Teddy Bro-ski?
And last but not least - had to go to the store - Wal Mart- and saw this-
Friggin Christmas stuff?????
<sigh> I give up....