Conor McGregor Breaks Ankle in 1st Round of Poirier Fight (Graphic!)

I didn't get to see this live- but when I saw the replay - it was like, "HOLY S***!!!"

It's the kind of injury that you want to turn away from - but you CAN'T! And it HURTS to see it!

McGregor appears to have stepped back awkwardly and broke his ankle near the end of the first round.

Umm, I don't think it's supposed to look like that, right?

I was a McGregor fan in the beginning, but the more outrageous he became - with the tantrums and the over the top trash talk - I now just think he's an asshole.

Don't get me wrong- one of the greats of the sport, and he was truly GOOD for the sport too. But I've had enough of the hyper arrogance and attitude.

In the post fight news conference Dustin Poirier said that it wasn't over. He doesn't care if it's not in the ring, but he's got some unfinished business with McGregor for all the smack he talked.

So I'll say it - I hope Dustin kicks his ass wherever it happens.


ps. he talked smack about Dustin's wife before the fight (and after) - and here's she's giving him the finger while he does his post fight interview from the floor of the octagon.

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