My Vacation in 5 Pics: PB&C, Rolling FATTIES, Big Breakfast Day & Bear Dens

Someone has to explain to me how we have FIVE consecutive days of miserable heat - over 95 degrees, followed by FIVE MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS of rainy days in the 50's?

Crazy! Has that ever even happened?

Regardless- that didn't stop the Kretchy Vacation Express from kicking in to high gear (ok - maybe 2nd gear.....)! Did some photography road trips, some nice hikes with Valerie, chilled by the pool, and spent some time up in Maine!

Here's some of what I "documented"!

First stop? Five Islands Harbor in Georgetown ME on Tuesday - since it was supposed to be the only nice day of the week, and man - it paid off. What a beautiful spot!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Seriously- it's one of my favorite places on the planet to shoot a sunrise!

Also did some shooting in the rain in a place called Wilson's Mills Maine. Really nice waterfalls there - but instead - you get a selfie. Haha..

REALLY tricky walking along the rocks on this river, just below a hydro dam release, due to the wet weather - and by the time I finished I was completely soaked. But the main thing?


Oh and another thing- when you're up in places like that along a river- you gotta watch where you are because you never know what lives in holes and caves like this one-

I got $1000 bucks that says a friggin BEAR lives in there! But you know what Kretchy don't do? Kretchy don't mess wit' bears!

And tried something new while we were up at our friends camp- and I HIGHLY suggest you try THIS: THE PB&C!

We didn't have jelly or jam - so we cut up some cherries and made a peanut butter & cherry sandwich - and IT WAS AWESOME! I dare you!

And speaking of camp- Sunday mornings at camp, are always BIG BREAKFAST DAY......

So yeah- pancakes, eggs, homefries and lots of bacon. Great way to start the fourth!

Valerie and I had a really nice hike out to a Grand Falls - which is in a place that isn't even named - (it's referred to as "Township #3).

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Beautiful falls, too.

And if you're ever in Kingfield ME - i highly suggest you stop at ROLLING FATTIES for some killer food, and a great selection of local beers! And the people there couldn't be nicer!!!

We did other stuff too - like wrestled an alligator, parasailed and got attacked by sharks, and lifted a car off an old lady who was stuck underneath - but I didn't get any pics of that stuff.

Maybe next time!

heh heh heh -


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