The "Friends" Reunion: I Don't Get The Hype

I liked "Friends". It was definitely a funny tv show.

What I don't get - is all the fuss about a "reunion" show.

I mean, what's the big deal? Are they just gonna sit there and talk about the show? I don't see the attraction, I guess.

Don't get me wrong- Im not bashing the show. It was very funny! Although- other than Seinfeld and The Office - sitcomes have never been my thing.

I think a lot of that has to do with the ridiculous laugh tracks they add to them. That's why i loved The Office. Nobody was TELLING me WHEN to laugh.

Friends was a quick paced, well written show- for sure. But I have to be honest - I couldn't care LESS about this reunion show. And I'll add this- I think they hype for it is powered by HBO (because it's on HBO Max) - because they probably had to pay the 6 cast members a ridiculous amount of money to do it! Hey - I could be wrong, but it feels like it!

A listener sent me this - and it made me laugh- and it kind of sums up how I feel about it -



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