My Weekend in 5 (or so): Road trip, Porcupines, Roadkill & Sh*tty Things

Friday morning at 10:01am - I left for Lubec Maine. Alone. I drove 305 miles to go shoot some photos up along the Bold Coast for the weekend, and maybe get lucky and get some pics of some bald eagles.

It's such a great area, and SO beautiful along the coast! I got there at about 3pm and immediately started finding place to photograph. I hit a lot of different spots and towns (and some aren't very close together- so I did some travelling! I hit the following towns: Lubec, Cutler, Machias, Dennysville, Perry, Eastport, Whiting, Baileyville, Coobscook Bay State Park, Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge and more! So here's some pics (and video) from the trip.

This is me at West Quoddy Head Light in Lubec. It's the eastern most point in the U.S.. Someone also told me that it is geographically, the closest place in the continental US to Africa. Don't know if that's true- and I'm too lazy to look it up, so like all good Americans - I'll just assume it's true because someone told me it was. haha-

I shot there in the late afternoon and the light from the sun was amazing, and then went back again about 10pm to do some night shots. Here's what it looks like- on a cloudless, moonlit night -

I had the entire place to myself- couldn't believe it - beautiful night (not cold) - and there wasn't a soul in sight. But as I walked about the place shooting, I came around a corner to find myself presented with 5 PORCUPINES! And they were HUGE! I had a flashlight and was startled by the first one- and then I saw three more nearby! They were chill, so I apologized for interupting them and went about my business and went around em.

But as I left- I saw the 5th of the family - and got this pic -

That was my near death experience with a wild gang of killer porcupines!

Next - heres a video from one of my hikes out to Boot Head in Lubec.

On Saturday - I got up at 4am to shoot over to Cutler Maine to grab a sunrise over Cutler Harbor-

Unfortunately, while driving at 4am, a rabbit ran out from the bushes - and I had no chance of stopping - and I hit it. Ugh. Is there any worse feeling? Totally sucked.

And to make matters worse- when I drove back toward Lubec- I saw this.

Ugh. Like getting hit in the balls with a sledgehammer. Nothing I could do, for sure- but it still feels awful when it happens.

And speaking of other shitty things that happened over the weekend -

Why is it when we take Molly for a walk, I always get left holding the bag?

I got more - but Roadkill pisses and moans if I do more than he does because it makes him look bad - hahah. P***y.

Love you. Mean it.


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