I can't wait for July 3rd.....
That's when the Broadway musical "Hamilton" will be begin streaming on the Disney+ Channel - and they just released the trailer.
I know I take heat for it on the show- (which isnt a surprise- since I take heat for just about EVERYTHING I do - haha) - but this show is pure genius. It's the most important show produced on Broadway in the last 20 years. And it's the biggest.
It weaves history flawless into music that breaks all the boundaries of the typical musical. Its not - like I originally had heard - a "hip hop" show, but rather- one who incorporates lots of different modern styles into the story.
If you haven't seen it - read about the story first, then watch it. That way you won't have to worry about missing key story points. I listened to the soundtrack for a month or so before I saw it in NYC - and I knew it by heart.
Seriously - the storytelling and the way it's interwoven through music is the best I've ever seen.
Hope you watch it and enjoy it. I know I did, and I cant wait to see it again.