14 Reacts to U2's Live Aid Performance from 1985

I remember this day from 1985. Live Aid was the biggest concert in history and I remember watching it on MTV - while I was running the live broadcast of it at the station. Yeah, that's how old I am.

But here's the thing- U2's performance of "Bad" was a turning point for the band. Although they didn't think so at the time (the story goes that the band thought that his jumping in the crowd may have ruined the show for them) - his jumping down into the audience was one of the emotional highlights of the days show (which was actually two different shows on two continents).

And what I love about this video is not only the fact that you get to see it - but also that it shows a 14 yr old kid APPRECIATING IT. It's always great, to me, when young people appreciate the music and performances that came before them-

Awesome stuff-


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