Yeah, I Shoot (Photograph) Birds. So what?

So - you may know that I'm a landscape photographer. Love to shoot land and seascapes. It's kind of like my therapy, I guess. It's quiet, and normally it's away from everything and every body. For some maybe it's reading a book, or chopping wood- whatever you need to do to get away from the world and get a little time for yourself. For me - it's photography. And during the season where the landscape tends to be muddy and brown (after the snow melts) - I turn the camera on wildlife - particularly bald eagles and maybe an owl or two. It's very challenging to do, and it requires a lot of patience. But- it's time outside in the quiet- and that's a pretty cool thing. And even though I take a fair amount of good natured ribbing about it - Roadkill can kiss my ass! Haha-

Anyway - here's a few of the shots I've gotten over the last week of some bald eagles, short eared owls, and snowy owls.

This little guy right here is a tough thing to shoot. Short Eared Owls are much smaller than most of the other owls I've seen. They're lightning quick and turn on a dime - which makes following them through a telephoto lens really challenging. This right here is the first one of these I have ever seen -

Catching them mid flight - in focus - isn't easy- haha. And when you first start to shoot birds after landscape season ends- it takes a bit to get back into practice before you start crushing most of your shots.

And for the record- most of the flight shots are taken at distance of about 250 yards or so -

And then there's the snowy owls. People travel a LONG way just to see them. A woman that was standing next to me travelled from NY state just to see them. When she finally saw it, standing next to me - she started to cry (WTF?). Hey man, who am I to judge?

Snowy's sit on the ground most of the times that I've seen them. It keeps them out of the wind, and that's where their food is. This is one would look like from a distance.

And of course- a couple bald eagles. Roadkill likes to joke that they're like pigeons nowadays - and even though that's a gross overstatement- I still find them amazing. Anything with a 6-7 ft wingspan is pretty amazing to watch fly!

Especially when they take off and extend their wings...

And when they circle over you and get a full view of them - well, I just say this: If that doesn't make you feel something - then you're just dead inside - hahah - (j/k - but not really)

So Roadkill be damned. He doesn't like anything he has to leave the house to do - haha -

Hope you like the pics-


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