Yesterday I took a beating on the air because someone took a photo of my parking close to a gas station builiding, and not using a parking space.

Roadkill outed it on the air and HAMMERED ME.

At the end of the show - I asked a favor of the audience: "Please, do me a favor- please turn your cameras on ROADKILL. I want to see everything he does. Doesnt put a grocery cart back in the corral? I want to see it. If he parks outside the lines of a parking space? Send me a pic. Throws a piece of trash on the ground? Whatever!!! I WANT TO SEE IT!!!

And shortly after the show - I received THIS PHOTO. LOOKIE HERE! UH-OHHHHH!


I parked behind a gas station, in a no parking area. Roadkill parked NEAR A FIRE HYDRANT AT A SCHOOL!!!!


That DB hammered me from his perfect horse on high claiming "You do it because you think you're better than everybody else and THE RULES DON'T APPLY TO YOU!!!"

Well what do you say now, Scott? HAHAHAHAHA!

You lying little peckerhead!!!! Hahaha - I GOT YOU!


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