New Photo Tuesday: Some of My Recent Shots 8-6-19

Here's a few of my recent photos. If you like them, please feel free so see more of my "work" at

Hope you like em -


This one is of the USCG Cutter Barque Eagle, as it makes it's way into Portsmouth harbor. It was a beautiful journey to watch - surrounded by hundreds of boats there to welcome her. I grabbed this moment just after she passed under the Memorial Bridge and headed for her dock, being guided by another Coast Guard boat.

I shot this on Saturday morning, at Drake Park in Pittsfield NH. I went to see the Balloon Rally. And even though the wind didn't allow the balloons to cooperate (from a photographic standpoint, anyway) - at least I got this shot. And I actually love it so much - I didn't care if I didn't get a great balloon shot that morning. Good thing, because- I didn't. Not the rally's fault - just Mother Natures.

I watched these two loons swim up Bear Brook in Errol NH. Graceful and slow, cut through the morning mist in silence. It was like they were swimming into the sun. Beautiful to watch.

And lastly - this one is from my visit to Monhegan Island ME. A magical place. Some places have this special air about them, where you just know that time spent there will yield something special. Monhegan is like that. And the weekend I spent there- provided many of those special moments.

Got a camera?

Then get out there and shoot. You don't have to be a pro. Just be someone who wants to see what's around them, and start appreciating it more. Trust me - once you start seeing, you won't ever stop, and it's awesome.

Email me if you have photography questions- and I'll be glad to answer them if I can.


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