FEBRUARY 6, 2019

GREG - A new app that will match you up with dates with "Refridgerdating." https://www.iheart.com/content/2019-02-05-samsung-launches-matchmaking-service-refrigerdating/

KELLY - Eating an extra serving of fruits and vegetables a day can have a positive effect on your brain. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190205144450.htm

KAYLA - TabX is a new app that will pay your bar tab so you don't have to! https://www.al.com/bhammag/2019/01/this-new-app-allows-you-to-close-your-bar-tab-from-your-phone.html

ROADKILL - Single men stink and women like it! WHAT?!?! https://nypost.com/2019/02/05/single-men-stink-and-women-are-into-it-study/

LAURA - Millenials are spending $838 a month on non essential items! https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/millennials-feel-the-most-pressure-to-spend-on-nonessentials-and-they-do

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