JANUARY 4, 2019

GREG - Busiest day for signing up for online dating sites is this Sunday. https://abc11.com/society/sunday-will-be-the-busiest-online-dating-day-of-2019/5005226/

KAYLA - Wine made from the tears of a Unicorn! https://bluewine.us/product/unicorn-tears/

KELLY - Durgin Park is closing it's doors on January 12th. https://boston.cbslocal.com/2019/01/03/durgin-park-closing-faneuil-hall/

ROADKILL - The youngest child is the funniest of the kids, the oldest is more successful. https://www.lifehack.org/512543/study-reveals-the-youngest-sibling-is-the-funniest-and-something-more-for-them-to-win-at-life

LAURA - It actually takes 66 days to form a habit, not 21. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-exact-number-of-days-it-takes-to-turn-a-resolution-into-a-habit-and-no-its-not-21-2019-01-02

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