New Photo Tuesday! 8-8-18

franconia notch

Franconia Notch is a special place, and it's even moreso if you're lucky enough to catch it without any traffic coming or going. This just felt right for a black and white shot, thanks to the dramatic sky....

bennington nh

Behind beautiful fields lined with rock walls, is this road, guided by a cathedral of pines- in Bennington NH. Standing here, as the sun set, was like being a church. The place has a reverence to it that can't be denied.


Just a bald eagle, sitting on branch in Maine, watching the sun set, and being all America and stuff...

Here's a different version of a shot I took in Rollinsford, that was recently featured in NH Magazine!

Driving down the road in Perkinsville VT, thanks to a tip from a listener, I passed this old seemingly abandoned house, and had to pull over and get a few shots of it.  It's old aged wood and greenery had more character than any new home built in the last 30 years.....

Hope you like the images.  It's what I do in my spare time. If you'd like to see more,  feel free to visit my photo site at  - 



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